Meet Corey Davis from Coriander Designs…
My name is Corey Davis and I am the owner and creator of Coriander Designs. I have been creating jewelry since high school, starting mostly with bead work but I have made jewelry with wood, leather, fabric, and many other mediums.
My name is Corey Davis and I am the owner and creator of Coriander Designs. I have been creating jewelry since high school, starting mostly with bead work but I have made jewelry with wood, leather, fabric, and many other mediums.
You can view my work at:
Coriander Designs came about, interestingly, after my four kids came down with the flu just this past fall of 2022. We were all cooped up and stir crazy so I bought some craft supplies to pass the time. One of the containers had some polymer clay and after a few tries I was hooked! I had some leftover resin from a past crafting project and with the help of a few YouTube tutorials the next thing I knew I had about 50 earrings. I love jewelry as much as the next person but I knew I needed to start selling my creations or my jewelry box would collapse.
As I am still green with my skills, I try to work with clay every day so I can improve my technique and skills. What I love about working with clay is, most of the time, you can’t produce the same effect twice. Each time I cut into a slab it comes out different, and I love that! My process is all about experiment and “winging it”. Some of my most favorite pieces are the result of scraps coming together. Clay is a very low waste craft which also makes it very appealing for me.
The Columbus Spring Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show is my first Avant-Garde Show and I couldn’t be more excited. I used to show my work at local fairs and craft shows in college but that was many years and less children ago. I am so excited to be back doing what I love again. I took a break from crafting and jewelry making to create a family and a profession, which I am so proud of, but I am excited to now have Coriander Designs and to be back to creating jewelry. My pieces are about fun, unique design but also about trying again after stepping back. I didn’t expect to jump back into the world of crafting and art so soon, but I’m so glad I did. I am so looking forward to the upcoming show and meeting customers and fellow crafters.
For anyone looking to see more of my work or reach out to me, you can find me on Instagram @Coriander_Designs.
Meet Caroline Kurtz from Cola Prints…
My name is Caroline Kurtz, I am a 23 year old dental hygienist from Toledo, Ohio. I currently live in Maumee, Ohio, in a small fixer upper that my talented boyfriend, Charlie, has fixed up for us! We'll be spending most of our spring/summer fixing up the outside and adding things to make it our own! We have two dogs, Cola and Gemma. We recently rescued Gemma from our local humane society. Miss Cola is the pup behind my favorite hobby, Cola Prints.
I've been painting ever since I was little; it's always been something I've had fun with and gravitated towards. I got more serious with it once I graduated highschool, making pet portraits for family/friends. Most recently, about 2 months ago now, I've decided to try and make a little business out of it, and it's been so fun so far!
My two dogs inspire me to create! Dogs are so special to me, I can't imagine life without them. Creating pet portraits is my main seller, and it's so fun creating paintings for people's beloved animals. It's truly such a special gift that people will cherish forever.
Art classes in high school definitely got me into this hobby. We experimented with several different medias, and watercolor was always my favorite. When we had the option to create a project with whatever media we wanted, I always chose watercolor. For one project, I painted a cow from a farm nearby, and it got me far into a local high school art competition!
I've always loved painting, and I excelled in art classes growing up and in high school. After high school, I gave my go at creating pet portraits and they were coming out so great! So, I rolled with that!
My creative process always starts with a picture of the pet/house, whatever it may be. Most of the time, people will send several of their favorite pictures of their pet, and I go from there. My process is pretty structured as I take so much from the pictures.
The message behind my work is to enjoy the little things in life, like our homes, and our pets. So much love and happiness comes from the things right in front us.
Meet Heather Rawlings from Queen Bee Blankets…
Hi! My name is Heather Rawlings of Queen Bee Blankets, and when I’m not at my 9-5, you can find me pushing shopping carts of yarn in Ross County, Ohio. Two decades ago I decided to become an insurance agent; two months ago I fell in love with finger crocheting blankets and haven’t stopped since.
When I was 7 or 8, my sister and I learned how to crochet with a hook. The problem was, I lost interest because it took too long to finish a project. Even into my thirties, the blanket I was making always turned into a scarf. Not long after Christmas 2022, a dear friend showed me how to finger crochet with chunky yarn and I finished a blanket quickly. Then I took it apart so I could do it again. I was hooked without the hook and immediately began making blankets for loved ones. When I ran out of family and friends who wanted blankets, I took to selling them.
All I need for inspiration is spare time and jumbo yarn, nothing else needed.
How I got into my hobby… It’s easy for hard times to get you down, and I’m as guilty as the next person. I’m coming off a year and a half of surgeries and treatments for breast cancer, and even though I try, my body isn’t up to doing all the physical stuff I did before. I ended up spending my evenings in my chair either watching TV or staring at my phone, not realizing I was getting more depressed every day. It wasn’t until I started crocheting every night that I realized keeping my mind and hands busy was the best therapy I could have asked for. Now, because of making blankets, I’m happier and feel like I have a purpose again.
My creative process is fairly simple. I need a clean and organized work environment, and once I’ve decided on the blanket size and yarn color, I grab my trusty tape measurer and start crocheting. I continually measure throughout the process and gauge my loops as I go. I’ve been known to finish a 6-7 hour project, not like it, and undo it to start over again. Can we say picky?
In five years, I imagine I’ll still be making blankets in the evenings and on weekends to sell online and at craft shows.
My website is and Facebook page is Queen Bee Blankets. I don’t have online sales just yet but you can view a few photos.
Meet Rachel from Boujee Dal…
My name is Rachel and I am the owner of Boujee Dal. I live in Hilliard with my fiancé Max and our two dogs Ruby and Biscuit.
I have been making dog treats for four months now and this will be my first ever craft show!
I’m inspired by my two dogs and wanting to give them healthy, organic treats.
I discovered my talent the first time I made a treat and Ruby LOVED it!
My creative process involves trial and error in new treat flavors that I think my dogs will enjoy.
In 5 years I hope to be selling my treats full time.
The message behind my work is to provide dogs with healthy, organic, dog treats with no preservatives.
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